Friday’s Rant

October 3, 2014

What is it you find disagreeable ?

Here is a starter ….

Complaints about Stan Kroenke taking money out of the club: Why?  When I owned a business if one of my customers told me that I couldn’t take a smidgeon out to enjoy a self-finding mission to the Berkshire countryside I would have given them short shrift (whatever a shrift is?). The man has invested heavily into AFC and yet to take a dividend, his company did some work for the club, they got paid. So what? Anyone who thinks Silent Stan is in it for anything but profit is beyond naive.


Needs money for a decent haircut.

The price of piss-weak beer at The Emirates. I do not mind paying big money for a ticket nor for a Chinese child slave produced replica shirt but I object to drinking low alcohol lager at premium beer prices.

Mobile phone conversations. It should be mobile free inside the stadium. Do I give a monkey’s whether the bloke sitting next to me has to pick up his daughter from riding classes after the match? No, I do not, nor do the 20 people who can hear his inane conversation.. Nor am I interested in whether the twat behind me wants to buy pork belly shares at €1.22 and will not pay a cent extra. I am there for the football and so should they be.

This isn’t football related but I am writing this and you aren’t 😀 ……

The “It should have been Me” and why isn’t it?  These blokes are around the same age as me and some of the chaps on AA. Just check out the crowd reaction at 1.33. You may not like the music but imagine it was you up on that stage instead of Brian Johnson (lead singer)….. just imagine (play extremely loud)